Gina & Glenn, Forest & Stream Club

How would you rate the overall services you received from Le Bouquet Blanc from 1 – 10? 10
The bonbonnieres we choose and received were beautifully wrapped with a bow. It was a beautiful 3 piece set that our family enjoyed receiving, and will also enjoy using for years to come.

flowers, bouquets, centerpieces:
The flowers were all beautiful. The centerpieces the flowers and the color were amazing. Loved so much by all, that the ladies took one home that evening. My bouquet complimented my dress perfectly, and “the bling” added as requested by myself the bride made me love it that much more.

The décor was added to our ceremony restaurant location by Nathalie with the help of her amazing mother. It added the touch that we wanted to give it the romantic look that we were looking for.

Wedding Celebrant Services:
Nathalie was a wonderful wedding celebrant, and a wonderful person. Her services were excellent. Any questions or concerns we had she was always there to guide us in the right direction.

Nathalie spoke so well during our ceremony. We enjoyed the options she gave us regarding the different types of ceremonies. We were so happy when she mentioned to incorporate the sand ceremony wedding, everyone enjoyed that very much. On behalf of myself, my new husband, and all our family she did an exceptional job. We were so happy that she was a part of our ceremony and that we choose her as our wedding celebrant.

Additional comments:
Our experience with Nathalie is simple to describe, she exceeded our expectations. She did everything and so much more for us. We thank you Nathalie so very much. We would highly recommend you to any of our family and friends that are planning on getting married.